
注册主任办公室位于梅隆大厅. 请致电410-626-2509或 安纳波利斯.sjc注册(在).edu.






截至2019年4月, the Office of the 注册商 has partnered with 国家学生信息中心(NSC) for transcript services.

Official transcripts—both electronic 和 paper versions—can be ordered online through our transcript partner, 国家学生信息中心(NSC).



Electronic transcripts sent through NSC carry a security feature verifying that the transcript has not been altered. 您也可以上传附件, 包括你的简历或收件人要求的其他封面.

我们的办公室每周处理一次成绩单,通常在周四. All orders received by noon on Thursdays will mailed or transmitted electronically that same week; orders received after noon on Thursdays will be mailed or transmitted the following week. You will receive an email when your order is received 和 another when it has been fulfilled. Please check with the receiving school or company to see if they prefer paper or electronic delivery of your academic record.

学生们需要注意的是,他们的账户中必须没有任何罚款和费用, 贷款必须是当前状态, 和 the financial aid exit interview on file (if applicable) before an official transcript may be released. 除了, the college reserves the right to hold the transcripts of students who have similar outst和ing obligations at other institutions that participate in federal financial aid (Title IV) programs.

如果您对这些新的成绩单订购程序有任何疑问, 请不要犹豫,通过电话410-626-2509或电子邮件与我们联系 安纳波利斯.sjc注册(在).edu.


Unofficial transcripts for past students may be ordered with a signed request through the 注册商s office in person or by mail, 传真, 或电子邮件. Current students should request unofficial transcripts via the Records Request Form available in mySJC. 非正式成绩单将以PDF电子邮件附件的形式发送. 非正式成绩单不收费.



St. 约翰的大学课程以学期为基础,每学期16周. 我们的全部必修课程由少数几个班级组成, 四到五种类型(教程), 研讨会, 实验室, 合唱, 在四年的课程中,每学年每学期讲授一次. Most of the classes are 研讨会s or tutorials 和 meet for either two 2-hour sessions or three 70-minute sessions per week 和 receive four semester credits. Classes are awarded credits within the MHEC guidelines of 750 class minutes per credit hour. Recommended out-of-class time requirements are at least two to three times the in-class time.





上述重新入学和转学的截止日期和指导方针适用. Applicants for readmission 和 transfer who apply after the above deadlines will be considered for readmission only. A student applies to the campus last attended (the home campus) for readmission 和 transfer.

重新入学申请首先被考虑, 如果得到批准, 转学申请被考虑. 如果两份申请都得到了母校的批准, they are forwarded to the other campus along with those of applicants currently enrolled for consideration by the Dean of the other campus.

The applicant is advised of the readmission 和 transfer decision by the home campus. 重新接纳 和 Transfer applicants for the fall term will be advised of the transfer decision before the end of March prior to the fall in which they wish to enroll. Students should seek the advice of the financial aid director on the home campus as soon as they are considering readmission 和 transfer.

Current students wishing to transfer to the 圣达菲 campus can do so by completing the Application for Inter-校园转移 found on the mySJC portal. 申请截止日期为3月1日. 在申请时, 学生必须通过寄支票给学院的方式支付500美元的预付款, 或联系学生会计办公室. 在确认定金支付后, 注册办公室将准备学生档案以供审查. The application is subject to approval by the Dean 和 Assistant Dean on both campuses. 申请截止日期后, the $500 advance deposit is neither refundable nor transferable unless readmission is not approved. Once a transfer application has been approved by both campuses 和 a student changes their mind about transferring, a space on the home campus may not be guaranteed 和 availability for financial aid may be limited.


在读学生, certifying enrollment is made simple by 提交ting a request via the Records Request Form available in mySJC. 为校友, 请下载上面提供的非官方记录申请表格并发送电子邮件, 传真, 或邮寄到注册主任办公室. 申请注册证明或学位证书必须由学生本人提出.


如果你想预定麦克道尔大厅的教室, 梅隆大厅, 或巴尔-布坎南中心或其他地点,如FSK礼堂, 移频键控的游说, 谈话的房间, 船库, 私人餐厅, 或大会堂, 请致电410-626-2547与设施租赁办公室联络.


The 注册商 is the Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) 和 the Assistant 注册商 is a Designated School Official (DSO) for students with an F-1 visa status. Inquiries should be directed to the Office of the 注册商 regarding obtaining an F-1 visa, 维护状态, 可选的实践培训, 以及其他与国际学生有关的事宜.


Current students who think they may be eligible for veterans benefits should contact the Office of the 注册商 or Financial 援助 as soon as their plans to enroll at the college are complete.


也被称为学生知情权和校园安全法, 该法案于11月9日由国会通过, 1990. It requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding to make available upon request, 致所有的学生和未来的学生, 第一次申请证书或学位的完成率或毕业率, 进入学校的全日制本科学生.

依照本法, the Office of the 注册商 will provide 和 make readily available completion or graduation rates to current 和 prospective students.


The 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) was enacted by the United States Congress in 1974 setting forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records. Any educational institution 和 educational agency that receives funds under any program administered by the US Secretary of Education must comply with FERPA. 学校必须每年通知学生他们在FERPA下的权利.

The purpose of FERPA is to afford certain rights to students concerning their education records. 这些权利是:

  1. 查阅、审查教育记录的权利;
  2. The right to seek to have the records amended; 和
  3. 对从记录中披露的信息有一定控制权的权利.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

什么是教育记录? An education record is any record directly related to a student(s) containing personally identifiable information (name, address, 社会安全号码等.),并由澳门金沙网赌登陆学院或代表学院的人.

Read the college’s policy on compliance with the 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA).


审查 关于马里兰州学生选民资格的信息.

如果合格, 在马里兰州注册投票.

视图 任何州的选民登记和缺席选票请求.